Tiny Fields Project’s History
Emily Organ founded the Tiny Fields Project in 2013 and continues to keep it growing throughout Minneapolis. She has over 17 years of experience as an agricultural educator and is a North Minneapolis resident. She is an avid gardener and naturalist and demonstrates a passionate understanding of how agriculture and the environment must work together.
In 2013, the Tiny Fields Project successfully piloted five Tiny Fields throughout the Victory Neighborhood or Minneapolis. Participants immediately reported community interest. The social media learning page grew to include many residents throughout Victory and beyond. Participants reported a 30% decrease in dollars spent on groceries. In 2018, 148 tiny fields were planted in the Victory, Cleveland, Shingle Creek, Folwell, Near North and Willard Hay Neighborhoods.
The Tiny Fields Project is supported by ViNA , The Cleveland Neighborhood Association, The Shingle Creek Neighborhood, The Folwell Neighborhood Association, and the Northside Residents Redevelopment Council.